Today I want to inspire women all over the world🌍✊
not by talking about shopping but by talking about love!❤
Love for the female gender, ♀️
History shows us what a wonderful way we did,
and how much we needed to be strong to stand for our rights.
How powerful we had to be to change the way we behaved.
Today I see more and more strong women building themselves from scratch
believing they can build a better world,
A world we receive the respect and love we deserve.
A world we can make our voices heard📢
When I was a little girl I didn't want to be a woman,
not because of sexual tendencies but because I saw women were treated as a weak being.
I was lucky to have an amazing and strong mother who taught me that even when we are given a disrespectful attitude we have to fight it! 👊
we have to show that we don't give a fuck🖕 and we are capable of anything.
Because of her, today
I am proud to be a woman ❤
Today I'm teaching my daughter to be strong, as my mom taught me.
I hope she will learn the values that will motivate her to climb to the highest places she can.
I know it will happen only if I will give her a personal example.
I hope she won't listen to anyone who tells her she can't because she's a woman.
But believes she can do so much owing to be a woman.
please don't let prejudice a legitimacy in our world, get up and change it!
Show the world we can do otherwise!
So keep growing, keep believing in yourself!
God created us gentle, bea
utiful, refined, smart and strong enough
we just have to believe we deserve more..
We've come a long way but still have a long way ahead of us
Glad to have such a day that reminds us all that every woman has a heart with
enough courage to do whatever she wants!
wish you all Happy women's day💋
Spread lots of love and femininity